You know, the most wonderful thing about social media and the internet is that everything you read there is true! Therefore, if someone you don't know posts a question, and someone else you don't know answers it, you can rest assured that the answer will be correct. Right? This naïve assumption is the basis for one of the most popular gardening myths making the digital rounds in recent years. It's a "safe, natural weed killer" made by mixing vinegar, Epsom salts, and Dawn dishwashing liquid. I won't provide the recipe because I pride myself in not promoting hogwash. Google it if you must. Mike Perkins / EyeEm/Getty Images Don't Assume Homemade Is Best Proponents of this homemade "weed killer" gush about its immediate results. "I sprayed the weeds with it yesterday morning, and they were brown and dead that afternoon!" Sounds great, but are they really dead? How Weed Killers Work The advantage that chem...