The Best Time Of Year To Get Rid Of Your Lawn's Weeds And Why - House Digest
Because different types of weeds will emerge in late spring and early summer, applying a pre-emergent herbicide in the early spring helps to control these unwanted plants before they start to appear. If you wait to treat them until the autumn, these weeds will have the chance to become stronger and affect the ability of the grass to gain strength during the summer. The pre-emergent herbicide takes care of common broadleaf weeds that often plague your yard, such as dandelions and plantain. The herbicide prevents the seeds from germinating, ensuring they never have a chance to start growing.
It's also especially helpful to treat weeds during the spring when you have cool-season grasses in your lawn, including common strains like Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, and fescue. These options are highly popular for lawns in certain areas of the United States, but they typically begin to go into a dormancy phase in the summer when they become stressed from drought. When these plants are not growing vigorously, it allows weeds that began to establish themselves in the spring to continue growing, as they typically do not suffer problems with dry weather. Suddenly, these unwanted pests are growing tall and strong while the grass is idle. If you applied herbicide at the start of the growing season, though, you could have prevented the weeds from being strong at the same time your cool-season grasses moved toward dormancy.
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