How To Remove Spurge Weed From Your Yard So It Doesn't Take ... - House Digest

You can attempt to spray weed killer on the spurge when it is a small, immature plant or when it reaches maturity. Try to spray it as early as possible after you notice it, though, as it can begin producing seeds only five weeks after germination. If you only have a few of these weeds, or if you can spray the liquid chemical without harming other plants in the area, spot treatment with liquid chemicals is a good idea. It's important to note that the sprays work better on immature plants than on mature plants.

If you are facing an infestation of spurge in your yard that is choking out your turf, you also can apply post-emergent herbicide sprays that are safe to use around grass to control the spreading weed. Before applying any of these chemicals, always read the usage directions and follow them completely to protect the lawn.

Once you eliminate this spreading plant, apply weed and feed at regular intervals during the year to create a strong and healthy field of grass that serves to choke out the spurge before it can gain a foothold the next time. Use the herbicide granules in the weed and feed with a broadcast application to help eliminate this type of invasive plant throughout the year. As with sprays, only use herbicide granules that are safe for your type of lawn and apply them according to label directions.

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