Fall yard care tips and maintenance to make spring planting easier - Des Moines Register
Looking to win lawn of the month in your neighborhood this fall? A little extra care can get you there. We've collected yard and garden tips to keep your grass and plants colorful all fall. Start fall off by treating the weeds in your yard Fall is the best time for weed control. Perennial broadleaf weeds are transporting food from their foliage to roots to prepare for winter, according to ISU Extension. Broadleaf herbicides applied in the fall will be absorbed by the weed and result in the destruction of those pesky things. Now is also a good time to apply insecticides for grubs and chinch bugs. Effective broadleaf herbicides in Iowa include: 2,4-D MCPP Dicamba Triclopyr The most effective broadleaf herbicide products usually contain a mixture of two or three herbicides. Broadleaf herbicides can be applied as sprays or granules, wrote ISU Extension Horticulturist Richard Jauron. Keep mowing in the fall to maintain the proper grass length The first step is to identify what type of g...
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