
Showing posts from June, 2024

Greene County middle school closes to address bat issue - Alabama's News Leader

GREENE COUNTY, Ala. (WBMA) — Robert Brown Middle School in Greene County will be closed Friday, February 23 due to the presence of bats. In a public letter, Greene County Schools Superintendent Dr. Corey Jones said the issue begin in 2021. Conserv Wildlife Services was called in to remove bats from the premises and a barrier was installed to stop them from coming back. Jones said that despite these efforts, a bat was sighted at the school on Friday, 16, 2024 and again February 21. He said that Conserv Wildlife Services was called again and has been working on the issue. Jones said the school will close Friday out of an abundance of caution for its students and employees. He said the school will be thoroughly assessed and necessary measures will be implemented to address the situation. Jones said an update will be provided on Sunday, February 25. The Alabama Department of Public Health issued a warning Thursday, asking people not to handle bats due to the risk of contracting rabies. Th

Best Pest Control Companies Of 2024 – Forbes Home - Forbes

Many factors can be weighed in deciding which pest control company you should hire. Our list of the best pest control companies provides a great starting point, but be sure to consider the following as you do your own research: Availability in Your Area Make sure the company you choose can accommodate services in your location. If you live in a remote area or a city where the company of your choice does not operate, it may not be able to provide service to your home. Double-check to make sure you are within range of a company's service area before moving forward. Cost Most pest control companies can provide a ballpark estimate of cost over the phone, but many will need to perform a home inspection before providing you with a more accurate quote. Some companies offer free inspections and quotes while others do not. Additionally, some companies offer payment plans whereas others only accept payment up-front. Ultimately, the cost of service will vary based on the type of pes

How to Get Rid of Weeds in Your Lawn - Family Handyman

Introduction The bane of healthy lawns everywhere, aka weeds, are an unavoidable part of lawns. "If you want a lawn that looks like the eighteenth fairway at Augusta, you're in for quite a battle. One that will be very difficult to win," Joe Churchill, senior turf specialist for Reinders, says. However, there are ways to eradicate most weeds and achieve a healthy lawn consisting of mostly grass. My yard is a far cry from fairway perfection, but I've eliminated most of the weeds by following the tips in this article. Ahead, experienced landscapers Churchill and Matt Cameron from CMS Landscaping offer advice on how to get rid of weeds in grass. What Are Weeds? Weeds are undesirable plants growing where they are not wanted. Besides being unwanted, weeds compete for resources from intentionally cultivated plants. "The true definition of a weed is 'any plant that is out of place,'" Churchill says, "So if you have a tulip poppi

How To Remove Spurge Weed From Your Yard So It Doesn't Take Over - House Digest

You can attempt to spray weed killer on the spurge when it is a small, immature plant or when it reaches maturity. Try to spray it as early as possible after you notice it, though, as it can begin producing seeds only five weeks after germination. If you only have a few of these weeds, or if you can spray the liquid chemical without harming other plants in the area, spot treatment with liquid chemicals is a good idea. It's important to note that the sprays work better on immature plants than on mature plants. If you are facing an infestation of spurge in your yard that is choking out your turf, you also can apply post-emergent herbicide sprays that are safe to use around grass to control the spreading weed. Before applying any of these chemicals, always read the usage directions and follow them completely to protect the lawn. Once you eliminate this spreading plant, apply weed and feed at regular intervals during the year to create a strong and healthy field of grass

Best Pest Control Companies Of 2024 – Forbes Home - Forbes

Many factors can be weighed in deciding which pest control company you should hire. Our list of the best pest control companies provides a great starting point, but be sure to consider the following as you do your own research: Availability in Your Area Make sure the company you choose can accommodate services in your location. If you live in a remote area or a city where the company of your choice does not operate, it may not be able to provide service to your home. Double-check to make sure you are within range of a company's service area before moving forward. Cost Most pest control companies can provide a ballpark estimate of cost over the phone, but many will need to perform a home inspection before providing you with a more accurate quote. Some companies offer free inspections and quotes while others do not. Additionally, some companies offer payment plans whereas others only accept payment up-front. Ultimately, the cost of service will vary based on the type of pes

Rats | Multnomah County - Multnomah County

Have rats moved into your home or property? Rats are attracted to places where they can access food. They may come for bird seed, chicken feed, garbage or downed fruit, and then move into your home or property. The best way to control rats is to get rid of their food. Keep bushes and trees trimmed and pick up yard clutter. If you're dealing with rats inside your home, the first step is to inspect the outside of your home to find and seal any gaps. Next, figure out why rats are attracted to your home. Rodents are a public health problem because they spread disease and damage property. Free Property Inspection & Traps Although we're not exterminators, Multnomah County Vector Control can help you find the cause of your rodent problem. We can also give you free snap traps and advice. To schedule a free property inspection, contact us at 503-988-3464, Signs of a Rodent Problem Rodent droppings (poop). Ra

How Much Does Pest Control Cost in 2024? - MarketWatch

Among pest control veterans and homeowners, it's widely accepted that the three most difficult pests to get rid of are termites, bedbugs and cockroaches. All three bugs reproduce rapidly, making it hard to eliminate populations, and they thrive in dark, hidden places, making them hard to spot until your home is already infested. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even calls the hardiness of cockroaches "legendary." So if you spot one of these in your home, act fast. Adblock test (Why?)

AGFC updates Northeast Arkansas hunters about Dave Donaldson WMA renovation • Arkansas Game & Fish ... - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

In the last decade, many forest health assessments in WMAs managed for waterfowl have shown alarming declines in the health of red oak species that provide food for wintering mallards. A massive die-off at Henry Gray Hurricane Lake WMA in 2018 that wiped out every tree in 200 acres, and expanded to well over 800 acres since that time, emphasized the need for change and the grave consequences of maintaining the current path. The need for change is evident, but the solution is not as cut-and-dried. "This is a balancing act between improving the health of the habitat and maintaining public hunting opportunities," Booth said. "If all we cared about was the trees, we would remove all the levees and water-control structures and let it just flood naturally when Mother Nature decides. If we only cared about short-term public hunting opportunities, we'd leave things the way they are knowing that the forests that are attracting the ducks to the area would continue to decli

Top 10 Things to Know - PCT Online

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Top 10 Things to Know    PCT Online

Effective Solutions to Eliminate House Plant Bugs - Well+Good

D ealing with a pest infestation is every plant owner's worst nightmare. By the time you spot the first evidence of plant pests in your home, they've already made a cozy home for themselves amongst your potted plants. But don't give up! It is possible to get your indoor garden back to normal (with a little extra effort, of course). There's a handful of ways to go about getting rid of different types of houseplant bugs. In This Article Experts In This Article "Common plant pests include mealybugs, scale, spider mites, fungus gnats, thrips, and slugs," says Erin Marino, plant expert and director of marketing at plant company The Sill. "These pests might sound creepy crawly, but it's important to remember these bugs are only interested in your plants—not you, your pets, or your furniture." Even just being near greenery can boost your mood, so you want to keep your plants happy and healthy. Wondering how to keep bugs out of indoo

How Much Does a Mice Exterminator Cost in June 2024? - MarketWatch

The cost of rodent extermination varies widely. By understanding what influences rodent removal pricing, you can better determine when you're getting a good deal for services. Some of the main factors that influence rodent removal costs include the following: Infestation Size Rodents can cause damage to a home's electrical system by gnawing on wires. The more mice in your home, the more problems you are likely to have. The size of an infestation influences the methods a professional exterminator will use. The degree to which mice have infiltrated your home directly impacts the complexity of the extermination process and the resources needed. Having many mice throughout your property may require more intensive (and expensive) extermination methods. For example, if a mouse problem is limited to a single room, an exterminator can do the job with one visit. Technicians can strategically set bait stations and snap traps to lure and kill the mouse quickly and

Roach Exterminator Cost (2024 Guide) - MarketWatch

Our team created a comprehensive rating system to rank pest control providers. We researched companies by examining each provider's website, speaking with representatives to get more insight on coverage, treatments and pricing, reading hundreds of third-party customer reviews across multiple sites, and surveying 1,000 homeowners who had hired pest control companies.  Following our in-depth research, we scored pest control companies in these categories: plan options, customer service, guarantees, reputation, longevity and pricing. Adblock test (Why?)

The Best Pest Control Companies of June 2024 - MarketWatch

Our team created a comprehensive rating system to rank pest control providers. We researched companies by examining each provider's website, speaking with representatives to get more insight on coverage, treatments and pricing, reading hundreds of third-party customer reviews across multiple sites, and surveying 1,000 homeowners who had hired pest control companies.  Following our in-depth research, we scored pest control companies in these categories: plan options, customer service, guarantees, reputation, longevity and pricing. Adblock test (Why?)

The Best Exterminators and Pest Control Services in NYC 2024 - Curbed

Best of New York New York Magazine's own Yellow pages, containing exclusively excellent places. Photo-Illustration: Curbed; Photos: Getty To find the exterminators on this list, we polled a dozen savvy New Yorkers, including a city-rat scientist and a hairstylist. We found services that use ecofriendly pest-control methods and have a flawless track record of ridding apartments and buildings of pigeons, bedbugs, and mice. One highly recommended exterminator even has a board-certified entomologist on staff. Arrow Exterminating Company , ; 917-935-4932 Arrow was named our Best Exterminator of 2007 for its careful handling of poison pellets and noxious gasses and for its scie

NYC Councilwoman Claims to Have Found a Way to Wipe Out Rat Population - La Voce di New York

Per fornire le migliori esperienze, utilizziamo tecnologie come i cookie per memorizzare e/o accedere alle informazioni del dispositivo. Il consenso a queste tecnologie ci permetterà di elaborare dati come il comportamento di navigazione o ID unici su questo sito. Non acconsentire o ritirare il consenso può influire negativamente su alcune caratteristiche e funzioni. L'archiviazione tecnica o l'accesso sono strettamente necessari al fine legittimo di consentire l'uso di un servizio specifico esplicitamente richiesto dall'abbonato o dall'utente, o al solo scopo di effettuare la trasmissione di una comunicazione su una rete di comunicazione elettronica. L'archiviazione tecnica o l'accesso sono necessari per lo scopo legittimo di memorizzare le preferenze che non sono richieste dall'abbonato o dall'utente. L'archiviazione tecnica o l'accesso che viene utilizzato esclusivamente per scopi statistici. L'archiviazione tecnica o

Gardening expert says these four plants will keep rats away from your garden - Yahoo News UK

For those experiencing rats scurrying around their garden or, worse, in their home, you may be fearing the beginning of infestation. But there is help at hand in the form of nature itself. Four houseplants which have been recommended as 'natural repellents' to deter unwanted rodents, thanks to the strong smells they give off that rats find overwhelming. Rats are notoriously cautious creatures with highly sensitive senses, leading them to avoid areas that smell overwhelmingly strong - as it's a stark indication to them of potential danger nearby. Gardening expert at Tom's Guide, Cynthia Lawrence, explained: "Known for their fragrant properties, these favourite plants and herbs will actually be offensive to rodents since they have a very strong sense of smell, much stronger than what humans have." READ MORE: Kitchen staple removes weeds 'instantly' and works 'better' than vinegar Cynthia added: "What's more, these natural repellents are

How to Rodent-Proof Your House for Spring: 5 Expert Tips - Best Life

While nicer spring weather means more time outside for you, it might mean more time inside for rodents. This is especially true since spring is the start of these critters' breeding season, so they'll be looking for safe and warm nesting spots. But if you'd rather avoid encounters with mice, rats, or any four-legged pests, there are a few easy ways to keep them out. Read on to learn experts' best tips to rodent-proof your house for spring. RELATED: 10 Cleaning Habits That Attract Mice to Your Home. Atstock Productions/Shutterstock Brad Woods , district manager at Trutech Wildlife Services, says that rodents are likely to start their journey in your yard since they can find shelter under brush piles, amid long grass, and in shrubs. And after a long winter, your outdoor space probably isn't in the best shape. Therefore, Woods suggests trimming tree branches and other vegetation to remove possibl