Best mouse repellent plants: 7 natural deterrents | - Homes & Gardens
It can be a joy to see different wildlife enjoying your yard, from pollinators to nocturnal garden wildlife. However, sometimes you will want to control which areas wildlife make use of so that they do not damage or disturb certain plants. Mice are one of those garden critters that are cute to see but can cause damage by feeding on foliage, fruit, bulbs and more. But like snake repellent plants and fly repellent plants, you can make careful choices in your planting to naturally deter mice from particular areas in your yard. 'Mice try to avoid the environments where repellent plants are present because the scent of these plants prevents them from searching for food efficiently and detecting predators,' says Nicole Carpenter pest control expert and President of Black Pest Prevention. Experts have shared the best mouse repellent plants to steer them away from your yard and ensure your plants don't become damaged by these curious rodents. (Image credit: Robert Trevis-Smith via ...