Chinese scientists declare safe alternative to toxic paraquat weed killer - South China Morning Post
However, its high toxicity to humans has become a serious problem and has curbed its application. 07:58 Why is the Chinese government so concerned about food security? Why is the Chinese government so concerned about food security? Statistics show that in some areas of Asia, there is a 50-90 per cent mortality rate associated with the estimated 2,000 patients a year who suffer paraquat poisoning; worldwide, 20 deaths per million people result from paraquat poisoning because there is a lack of specific antidotes. Using paraquat as a herbicide has been banned in more than 20 countries and regions. China stopped producing paraquat from July 1, 2014, and prohibited its sale and use two years later. However, related poisoning incidents and deaths still occur now and then – intentionally or unintentionally. Some literature says extensive paraquat application leads to widespread residue on the soil surface and in aquatic environments and that it ultimately enters the food chain. Exposure to...